Moment of Truth

We finish connecting our client drawing code to our real-time networking code, and then it’s time for the moment of truth. After seven episodes with no debugging or manual testing, will our code work? Our automated unit tests pass, but that doesn’t guarantee that the code will work end to end. We hook it up, run the code, and cross our fingers.

  1. E473Real-Time Networking Overview

    Mon, 19 Dec ’16
  2. E474Shotgun Surgery

    Wed, 21 Dec ’16
  3. E475Monkey Work

    Mon, 26 Dec ’16
  4. E476Accepting the Duplication

    Wed, 28 Dec ’16
  5. E477Data Transport

    Mon, 2 Jan ’17
  6. E478Send the Draw Event

    Wed, 4 Jan ’17
  7. E479Moment of Truth

    Mon, 9 Jan ’17