A Successful Spy

Our connection spy allows our UI tests to run without setting up a test server, but it isn’t working properly. It keeps giving us data from previous test runs. We figure out the problem—it’s related to a quirk of JavaScript prototypes—and then take a break to address several viewer comments.

  1. E395A Client Networking Spike

    Mon, 21 Mar ’16
  2. E396Preparing for Dependency Injection

    Wed, 23 Mar ’16
  3. E397Object-Orientatiating

    Mon, 28 Mar ’16
  4. E398Build the Spy

    Wed, 30 Mar ’16
  5. E399Waiting for Connection

    Mon, 4 Apr ’16
  6. E400Connect the UI

    Wed, 6 Apr ’16
  7. E401A Successful Spy

    Mon, 11 Apr ’16
  8. E402Wire It Up

    Wed, 13 Apr ’16