Overlapping Elements

Now for something a bit trickier: we need to position our arrow so that it overlaps the top of our drawing area. We add the HTML, write the test, and get it centered. Overlapping the arrow is pretty easy—we use a negative margin to start—but our test says we’re four pixels off target. What’s wrong?

  1. E218Making It Real

    Wed, 9 July ’14
  2. E219Centering the Logo

    Mon, 14 July ’14
  3. E220Visual Verification

    Wed, 16 July ’14
  4. E221An Important Distinction

    Mon, 21 July ’14
  5. E222Element Deduplication

    Wed, 23 July ’14
  6. E223It’s Coming Along

    Mon, 28 July ’14
  7. E224Styling the Drawing Area

    Wed, 30 July ’14
  8. E225Overlapping Elements

    Mon, 4 Aug ’14
  9. E226Positioning Contortions

    Wed, 6 Aug ’14
  10. E227background-image

    Mon, 11 Aug ’14
  11. E228Cross-Browser Rendering Differences

    Wed, 13 Aug ’14
  12. E229Browser Bugs

    Mon, 18 Aug ’14