
There’s a lot of duplication in our production code. Time to take care of it. As we do, we purposefully leave our code incomplete—a useful trick, but we have to make sure our code alerts future programmers of its shortcomings. Along the way, we look at the tricky relationship between closures and re-entrancy.

  1. E70Touch Events Spike

    Wed, 6 Feb ’13
  2. E71Preparing to Test-Drive Touch Events

    Mon, 11 Feb ’13
  3. E72Touch and Go

    Wed, 13 Feb ’13
  4. E73A Test-Driven Touch Interaction

    Mon, 18 Feb ’13
  5. E74Touchy

    Wed, 20 Feb ’13
  6. E75Multitouch

    Mon, 25 Feb ’13
  7. E76Feeling Our Way Along

    Wed, 27 Feb ’13
  8. E77Self-Documenting

    Mon, 4 Mar ’13