Serving the Unique ID

If our app is going to display all other clients’ pointers in real-time, we need a way to identify each of the other clients. We already have the real-time networking in place, so now our server needs to tag each event with the appropriate ID. We return to our server code to take care of it and touch on some of the security issues involved as well.

  1. E422Back to Networking

    Wed, 22 June ’16
  2. E423Digging Into the Network Tests

    Mon, 27 June ’16
  3. E424Our Little Socket.IO Server

    Wed, 29 June ’16
  4. E425Cohesion

    Mon, 4 July ’16
  5. E426Encapsulation

    Wed, 6 July ’16
  6. E427Simplifying the Test Harness Client

    Mon, 11 July ’16
  7. E428Send Pointer Location

    Wed, 13 July ’16
  8. E429Rethinking the Network Event API

    Mon, 18 July ’16
  9. E430Serving the Unique ID

    Wed, 20 July ’16
  10. E431Data Channel

    Mon, 25 July ’16
  11. E432File Factor

    Wed, 27 July ’16