
We need our network test harness to listen to all possible events, but Socket.IO doesn’t give us that ability. So we cheat. We make a list of the events our tests use and make sure our code fails with a nice error message when we try to use one that isn’t in the list. That allows us to work around Socket.IO’s deficiency and finish off the chapter.

  1. E483The Cost of Duplication

    Mon, 23 Jan ’17
  2. E484Generification

    Wed, 25 Jan ’17
  3. E485Gradual Refactoring

    Mon, 30 Jan ’17
  4. E486Generic Events

    Wed, 1 Feb ’17
  5. E487Generic Test Harness

    Mon, 6 Feb ’17
  6. E488Network Races

    Wed, 8 Feb ’17
  7. E489Cheater

    Mon, 13 Feb ’17