Network Races

As we continue improving our network test harness, we run smack into network race conditions. There’s no guarantees about when network events will be delivered, or any way to tell if an event’s been delivered at all without asking the network again. Our waitForDrawEvent() method addresses this, but it’s surprisingly difficult to genericize.

  1. E483The Cost of Duplication

    Mon, 23 Jan ’17
  2. E484Generification

    Wed, 25 Jan ’17
  3. E485Gradual Refactoring

    Mon, 30 Jan ’17
  4. E486Generic Events

    Wed, 1 Feb ’17
  5. E487Generic Test Harness

    Mon, 6 Feb ’17
  6. E488Network Races

    Wed, 8 Feb ’17
  7. E489Cheater

    Mon, 13 Feb ’17