Preparing to Test-Drive Touch Events

We continue our touch events spike by investigating various corner cases. Do we need to use preventDefault()? Should we use voodoo programming? And what’s going on with JQuery? By the time we’re done, we have a solid understanding of how to program touch events and we’ve set up our master branch to test-drive the production implementation.

  1. E70Touch Events Spike

    Wed, 6 Feb ’13
  2. E71Preparing to Test-Drive Touch Events

    Mon, 11 Feb ’13
  3. E72Touch and Go

    Wed, 13 Feb ’13
  4. E73A Test-Driven Touch Interaction

    Mon, 18 Feb ’13
  5. E74Touchy

    Wed, 20 Feb ’13
  6. E75Multitouch

    Mon, 25 Feb ’13
  7. E76Feeling Our Way Along

    Wed, 27 Feb ’13
  8. E77Self-Documenting

    Mon, 4 Mar ’13