Send the Draw Event

We finish updating our real-time networking abstraction to handle draw events, then move on to the fun part: updating our client code to send and receive networked draw events. We start by refactoring the client so all of our drawing happens in one place, then write our test for sending the event.

  1. E473Real-Time Networking Overview

    Mon, 19 Dec ’16
  2. E474Shotgun Surgery

    Wed, 21 Dec ’16
  3. E475Monkey Work

    Mon, 26 Dec ’16
  4. E476Accepting the Duplication

    Wed, 28 Dec ’16
  5. E477Data Transport

    Mon, 2 Jan ’17
  6. E478Send the Draw Event

    Wed, 4 Jan ’17
  7. E479Moment of Truth

    Mon, 9 Jan ’17