Directory Refactoring: Solved!

We return to the directory refactoring problem that gave us so much trouble in the last episode. This time, we take smaller, more careful steps... and this time, everything goes smoothly. We’ve successfully separated our content from our code.

  1. E360Directory Structure

    Wed, 18 Nov ’15
  2. E361The Challenges of Directory Refactoring

    Mon, 23 Nov ’15
  3. E362Directory Refactoring: Solved!

    Wed, 25 Nov ’15
  4. E363Subsetting Karma

    Mon, 30 Nov ’15
  5. E364Incremental Client Tests

    Wed, 2 Dec ’15
  6. E365Split Tests

    Mon, 7 Dec ’15
  7. E366Extracting Files

    Wed, 9 Dec ’15
  8. E367Extract Module

    Mon, 14 Dec ’15
  9. E368Distribution Files

    Wed, 16 Dec ’15
  10. E369Workarounds

    Mon, 21 Dec ’15