Set and Match

We finish up the code to detect the fonts, weights, and styles used in our stylesheet. It’s straightforward work, with one exception: we really need a Set data structure, but JavaScript’s isn’t widely available yet. We fake it by using object keys instead.

  1. E259The Challenge of Third-Party Embed Scripts

    Mon, 1 Dec ’14
  2. E260Reverse-Engineering the Typekit Script

    Wed, 3 Dec ’14
  3. E261The Real Question

    Mon, 8 Dec ’14
  4. E262Phantom Menace

    Wed, 10 Dec ’14
  5. E263Check the Fonts

    Mon, 15 Dec ’14
  6. E264Race to the Polls

    Wed, 17 Dec ’14
  7. E265Fonts in Use

    Mon, 22 Dec ’14
  8. E266Questioning Our Approach

    Wed, 24 Dec ’14
  9. E267Set and Match

    Mon, 29 Dec ’14
  10. E268Remember the Future

    Wed, 31 Dec ’14