Refactoring Cycles

In addition to the standard cycle of red, green, refactor, test-driven development has larger refactoring cycles as well: module level refactorings every few hours, cross-module refactorings every week or so, and whole-system “architectural” refactorings every quarter or two. In this episode, we continue our work on a module-level cycle.

  1. E174Don’t Forget the “Refactor” Part

    Wed, 5 Feb ’14
  2. E175A Useful Test Abstraction Technique

    Mon, 10 Feb ’14
  3. E176Refactoring Cycles

    Wed, 12 Feb ’14
  4. E177Figure It Out As We Go

    Mon, 17 Feb ’14
  5. E178Fixing the Leaky Abstraction

    Wed, 19 Feb ’14
  6. E179The Advantage of TDD

    Mon, 24 Feb ’14
  7. E180Better Enough

    Wed, 26 Feb ’14
  8. E181The Itch to Ship

    Mon, 3 Mar ’14
  9. E182Clean Code

    Wed, 5 Mar ’14