Eliminating the Global Namespace

In a previous episode, Browserify failed because it was running asynchronously along with the rest of our build. We fix that problem, then finish the remaining Browserify integration work. We unbundle our tests from our production code, get require() working in our HTML, and eliminate the “wwp” global. With that, our migration to CommonJS Modules is complete.

  1. LL14Front-End Modules

    Fri, 2 Aug ’13
  2. LL16JavaScript Workflow 2015

    Fri, 6 Feb ’15
  3. E102AMD vs. CommonJS

    Wed, 29 May ’13
  4. E103Browserify

    Mon, 3 June ’13
  5. E104The Build Step

    Wed, 5 June ’13
  6. E105Bundled Code

    Mon, 10 June ’13
  7. E106Testing with Browserify

    Wed, 12 June ’13
  8. E107Require() All the Code

    Mon, 17 June ’13
  9. E108Eliminating the Global Namespace

    Wed, 19 June ’13
  10. E109Light the Test-Signal!

    Mon, 24 June ’13