AMD vs. CommonJS

Our new chapter is focused on modularity. Our code is nicely grouped into multiple files, but we don’t have a good way to link them together. We start with a review of what we’re doing and how the code works, then look at two different approaches to modularizing front-end code.

  1. LL14Front-End Modules

    Fri, 2 Aug ’13
  2. LL16JavaScript Workflow 2015

    Fri, 6 Feb ’15
  3. E102AMD vs. CommonJS

    Wed, 29 May ’13
  4. E103Browserify

    Mon, 3 June ’13
  5. E104The Build Step

    Wed, 5 June ’13
  6. E105Bundled Code

    Mon, 10 June ’13
  7. E106Testing with Browserify

    Wed, 12 June ’13
  8. E107Require() All the Code

    Mon, 17 June ’13
  9. E108Eliminating the Global Namespace

    Wed, 19 June ’13
  10. E109Light the Test-Signal!

    Mon, 24 June ’13