Dependency Management

To make our automated build reproducible by other members of the team, we need a way of sharing dependencies with everybody on the team. There’s two strategies for this: downloading dependencies when needed or checking them into version control. We discuss the trade-offs, choose the “check it in” strategy, and make it work for our build tool.

  1. LL1Continuous Integration with Git

    Sat, 4 Aug ’12
  2. LL16JavaScript Workflow 2015

    Fri, 6 Feb ’15
  3. E1Gather Your Tools

    Fri, 5 June ’15
  4. E2Version Control

    Fri, 12 June ’15
  5. E3The Automated Build

    Fri, 19 June ’15
  6. E4Dependency Management

    Fri, 26 June ’15
  7. E5Shell Scripting

    Fri, 3 July ’15
  8. E6External Dependencies

    Fri, 10 July ’15